Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Why I love my work...

Honestly...I have the best job ever. I get to teach middle school girls about art, about expression, and about finding their voice through the visual. Seriously, how can you beat that?

My mentor Dale gave me this one project that has become my very favorite. I've taught it every chance I get since he told me about it, twisting and morphing the purpose into different arenas depending on the group of students But the essence of it is expression. How our faces change and morph through different phases of our day. Asking the girls, "How do you define yourself? And, what expression goes along with that adjective?" Really, it's a self portrait, but turns out art students hate that word while they are creating these masterpieces. After though, they really embrace it.

I love watching these drawings develop. They are the perfect product that defines process in every way. I had two girls finish in class today...they want to start another one tomorrow.

For more shots of my amazing student's art work go here.

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