Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A sip with soul

My school brought potter and professor Regis Brodie to speak to our high school art students today. After 45 min in a lecture room with him I was aching to get on the wheel and make some work (luckily fall break is just around the corner). But, even more I was aching for more beautiful ceramics to own. I've been improving my collection over the years but I need more. Especially from artists like these...

Sarah Burns

Tim Christensen

Chris Gustin

Don Williams

Kristen Kieffer

One day I strive to own 100% handmade dish ware. It just has a soul to it that porcelain china does not. Mugs are my favorite...especially on a cool day today with some hot green tea.

What is your favorite mug to drink out of? Send pictures! I'll post my favorite tonight.


  1. I am working in that direction as well. It feels so good to hold handmade ware.

  2. I am so happy to trip across your blog! I couldn't agree more.
