Friday, October 1, 2010

You can do it, just let go.

CM 2010
I wouldn't be a good art teacher if I didn't try to push my art agenda on everyone I know. I can't tell you how many people in my life say they are awful at art, especially drawing. Guess what? I used to say the same thing. 

CM 2010
Seriously, before I started teaching drawing was my least favorite way to express my artistic endeavors. Until I realized two things: 1.) It doesn't matter if it looks good because the act of silently drawing is the best meditation out there, and 2.) I'm certainty not getting any better by not doing it.

During a lecture with Nick Bantock years ago, he said "Art is the balance of intuitive knowledge and letting go." So here is a little motivation to jump start YOUR letting go. 

James McMullen has started a brilliant series in the Times on getting back to drawing. These little pieces are so inspiring and if they won't make you pick up a pencil while at your desk I don't know what will.

Getting Back to the Phantom Skill

CM 2010

Have fun. Your assignment is due by Christmas.

Drawings by Caitlin Matthews (Spanish teacher by trade, artist by cups of tea and vegan treats at night)

1 comment:

  1. Huh! So I'm a big fan of 30-day projects...and drawing for a half-hour every day might be my next one. I have no skill or training (I'm a doodler), but it might be just the thing I need as I'm traveling next month. Thanks for the push!
