Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Home Part II: Premonition

Well, remember this

I must have been telling the future on that one because turns out, we're going California. To live for real. Our next Home.

COLLECTION of 3 Los Angeles Subway Sign Prints. Bus Scrolls. 11 x 17
Lovely prints to help me house hunt found here 

The boyfriend got the best job offer ever and the ocean is calling us. So we are packing up our classrooms and home to head for the Pacific Coast Highway, dog and plants in tow. Exit: Santa Monica.

We don't know where we'll live or where I'll work but the planning has begun. It's a big move with a lot of emotions. Mostly though, pure and uncensored excitement. It's hard to believe that Southern California will be the next stop on my timeline of "homes". I guess since it actually is home for the boyfriend, it feels less foreign. There is a community of love and warm meals waiting for us. Babies and chickens, avocado trees and fish tacos. Part of me is ready to go now. But I've got some lose ends to wrap up, a lot of hugs to give, and a couple of see you later's that will be especially hard. Have I mentioned how much I hate goodbyes?

But then I will be ready to head west once again. Pacific Standard Time.

1 comment:

  1. LA - my first home-away-from-home. I hope you love it as much as I did.... even if it was almost 50 years ago!
